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Song by Song

Oct 26, 2022

Martin and Sam welcome Hannah McGregor for another trio of Waits’s abandoned children: a hobo lullabye, his contribution to the Shrek-niverse and a tribute to one of 1969’s most unusual solo projects. Plus: how hard would it be for two women in their 30s to fit inside one overcoat?!?

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Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:
Bottom Of The World, Orphans: Brawlers Bawlers & Bastards, Tom Waits (2006)
Little Drop Of Poison, Orphans: Brawlers Bawlers & Bastards, Tom Waits (2006)
Books Of Moses, Orphans: Brawlers Bawlers & Bastards, Tom Waits (2006)
Books Of Moses, Oar, Skip Spence (1969)

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