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Song by Song

Jan 20, 2016

Beyond the final track, Martin, Sam and Isy round things off with a single from (but not on) The Heart of Saturday Night, teasing apart Waits's relationship with his band, his woman, and his own earlier version of this song. And so we bid farewell to Isy, Saturday Night and season two - thanks for joining us folks.


Jan 13, 2016

The final song of The Heart of Saturday Night takes on a contemplative air, with Isy, Sam and Martin looking at the structure of both this track as well as the album as a whole. The virtue of the "Best Of" compilation, the wonder of covering Frank Zappa, and Waits as a voyeur wrap up our discussion... but not...

Jan 6, 2016

Back from the Christmas break, Isy Suttie rejoins Martin and Sam to examine some of the connective tissue between Waits and his influences and peers. Discussing the relationship between artist, music and listener in live and recorded settings, as well as some of his early experiences touring, 2016 starts with a bang as...

Dec 16, 2015

Martin and Sam are joined by Tom Waits's close personal friend Isy Suttie to discuss the final tracks of The Heart of Saturday Night. Metaphorical vs literal locations, the romance of working-class life vs the reality, and lying to taxi drivers all feature.

Song by Song is Martin Zaltz Austwick and Sam Pay; two...

Dec 9, 2015

Contradictions and oppositions abound this episode, as Alice makes her departure from Sam and Martin. Discussion centers on the politics of pet names, social compromise and... some more ridiculous stuff too. Who will our next guest host be? Have we jumped the shark on interval tracks? Where will Alice be...