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Song by Song

Nov 27, 2019

Theatre-maker David Shopland joins his collaborator and returning guest Callum Hughes (plus the usual goofs Martin & Sam) to listen to this climactic track from The Black Rider. We discuss fusion of Waits’s traditional mode of writing with the theatrical context, the nature of his writing throughout the album, as well...

Nov 20, 2019

A fourth week with Penny Foxley sees her talk with Sam and Martin about more cacophonous instrumental music, this time with a vocal to put even Waits to shame.

twitter: @songbysongpod

Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:

Nov 13, 2019

A short episode for the shortest of short tracks, as Penny, Martin and Sam discuss this 18sec Greg Cohen extract from the Black Rider score. Now with even less Tom Waits!

twitter: @songbysongpod

Music extracts used for illustrative/review...

Nov 6, 2019

Penny Foxley returns to give Martin & Sam some more context and detail for the Black Rider play from 2004. The cacophony of the music (and the evolution of that music), Marianne Faithfull’s tailcoat, and the raw energy of early-2000s girlband pop all feature in today’s discussion... sometimes...