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Song by Song

Sep 20, 2017

Closing off season nine, Købi, Sam and Martin take a look at this final instrumental track from Swordfishtrombones, the musical outlook of the album in general, and fumble their way through an analysis of the work of John Cage. (Note: mention in the episode of Schopenhauer should be Schoenberg)

Song by Song is Martin...

Sep 13, 2017

As Swordfishtrombones winds down, Waits ramps up the tension with a breakneck chase sequence, while Købi, Martin and Sam rush to keep up with the pace.

Song by Song is Martin Zaltz Austwick and Sam Pay; two musicians listening to and discussing every single Tom Waits track in chronological order.


Sep 6, 2017

With respect but no great love, Købi, Sam and Martin dig into Waits's return to the New Orleans blues style, with particular reference to the guitar playing of Fred Tackett.

Song by Song is Martin Zaltz Austwick and Sam Pay; two musicians listening to and discussing every single Tom Waits track in chronological...