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Song by Song

May 30, 2018

Martin and Sam are joined by Lily Sloane of A Therapist Walks Into A Bar to discuss this side of the album's final track (as well as the first song from the play), and the images of dreams, hope, despair and fantasy that it evokes. Plus turnip-sales.

Song by Song is Martin Zaltz Austwick and Sam Pay; two...

May 23, 2018

More dream talk with Helen, Sam and Martin, as Waits constructs an unsettled and dislocated musical world to capture the sense of space between waking and sleeping. We also discuss the impact of sound (and film) on big systems vs headphones, as well as terrifying clown music and the vocal brilliance of Mike Patton.


May 16, 2018

Still picking apart the worlds of the album and the play, Helen, Sam and Martin delve into the tone created by Waits, as well as Paul McCartney, in their songs yearning for the past.

Song by Song is Martin Zaltz Austwick and Sam Pay; two musicians listening to and discussing every single Tom Waits track in chronological...

May 9, 2018

Helen Sadler of the Flixwatcher podcast joins Martin and Sam to listen to Tom Waits's cock...rel. Some brief discussion of Waits as an actor, further debate around the danceability of Tom Waits songs and a celebration of the work of Kate Bush quickly devolves into Martin making bird noises. Sorry folks, business as...

May 2, 2018

Song by Song is back for one more episode with Jeremy Warmsley, as he, Sam and Martin take a look at one of Waits's classic songs from this album, the way his storytelling style relates to truth and lies/dreams, as well as some more esoteric music from Ralph Carney & co.

Song by Song is Martin Zaltz Austwick and Sam...